Children Learning & Reading | Kids learning Activities | Early Reading Make your Child Smarter

Welcome to Children Learning & Reading. Early Reading Make your Child Smarter

The ONLY Step-by-Step Phonics Program That Teaches Children As Young As 2 To Read, And Enables Older Struggling Students (Up To 8-9yrs) To Catch Up To Grade Level In Just 8 to 10 Weeks!

The 65 Tested & Proven Lessons Teach Reading In A LOGICAL, SYSTEMATIC, AND SEQUENTIAL Order, And Enables Any Child To Become A Fast & Fluent Reader.

Children Learning & Reading

What is the best program to teach your child to read?

The Children Learning Reading Program is a comprehensive phonics and phonemic awareness based reading Program, that teaches children of different ages how to read effectively and how to become fluent and fast readers in a short period of time.

The lessons of the program are easy, and there are associated stories, color pictures and rhymes to make the whole thing fun for your child. The full version of the Program comes with a set of PDF files, audio and videos, common words, nursery rhymes and stories that children love and have fun with.

The program is based on scientifically proven techniques which offers a significant opportunity to help children of different ages learn the essential reading strategies needed for them to blossom into proficient readers and to develop the potential for reading not only English letters but also “ALL” different words, sentences and story books within 12 weeks, and will lead to greater reading skills in later life.

Children Learning & Reading | Kids learning Activities | Early Reading Make your Child Smarter

How do most children learn to read?

 When your child learns to read, this is one of the greatest things to experience as a parent. You have watched every step of their growth and development, and now they have the greatest gift of all reading. A child’s ability to read not only contributes to their academic and personal success, but also sparks a sense of imagination, allowing them to express their creativity. Because reading is an integral part of a child’s development, parents can easily become overwhelmed trying to effectively implement a reading method or program to the best of their ability.

With the tremendous amount of research regarding teaching children how to read, it can be hard for you, as a parent, to decide which program or teaching method will have the greatest benefit for your child. Most of the ineffective methods or programs rely upon weak literary foundations that use techniques such as making kids memorize the most commonly used words. To avoid this, Jim Yang has created the Children Learning Reading Program, which teaches children to use essential reading strategies. As a reading teacher and father of four kids, Jim has served the majority of his life helping children master to read successfully. He has personally used this Program to teach his daughters and son to read, when they were just 2–3 years old.

Can a child learn to read too early?

Children Learning & Reading | Kids learning Activities | Early Reading Make your Child Smarter
 How can I improve my child's reading level?

 Why The Children Learning Reading Program Works?

Children Learning & Reading | Kids learning Activities

YES! Let's Start The Phonics Lessons!


Bonus #1: Reading Lesson Videos

Bonus #2: Letter Sound MP3 Audios

Bonus #3: FUN to Read Lesson Stories

SUPER BONUS #4: Lifetime Program Upgrades  

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